The Shotoku atelier is established in the heart of Tokyo, in the Sumida district, near Asakusa, a traditional district where many small family factories have been established from the Edo period. Founded in 1922, the Shotoku atelier's primary purpose was to make hand-blown light bulbs, a technique, almost an art, mastered here to perfection. But as time went by, with the industrialization of the processes, it was quickly necessary to find a way of reconversion and it was in the service glass that the company oriented itself. Thus, during the 20th century, the Shotuku company produced tens of thousands of glasses of such finesse and elegance that they gradually imposed themselves as true references. They entered the greatest restaurants in Tokyo, then in Japan, to serve sake, instead of the traditional chokos or sakazuki.
Shotoku, the producer of Usuhari glasses was originally manufacturer of hand blown light bulbs. He became a master in the technique of glass blowing, and started producing very thin glasses that will be chosen by leading Japanese restaurants for the service of sake. The pair of Usuharu glass, in a wooden box <br...
Shotoku, the producer of Usuhari glasses was originally manufacturer of hand blown light bulbs. He became a master in the technique of glass blowing, and started producing very thin glasses that will be chosen by leading Japanese restaurants for the service of sake. Glass by the unit, in a wooden box <span...
Pair of Usuhari glasses for whiskey, sake or shochu. Produced by the Shotoku workshop, formerly specialized in the manufacture of hand-blown bulbs. Very fine and delicate glasses for unique tastings Size: 7.7 x 9 cm Vol. 300 ml Sold per pair in a wooden...
To taste the most upscale references. The rectilinear shape of tokkuri is a technical feature that is very difficult to control and few glass blowers master it until this point. Everything comes in an elegant box made of traditional wood. A tokkuri and two sake glasses うすはり酒器揃
Pair of Usuhari glasses for serving water or beer, sake, tea or shochu. Shotoku, the producer, was originally manufacturer of hand-blown bulbs. Very fine and delicate glasses for tasting Size : 6.5 x 11.5 cm Vol. 260ml. Sold by the pair in a wooden box....