Nigori Yuzushu
Nigori Yuzushu

Nigori Yuzushu Reviews with
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With a lovely acidity and liveliness, this unfiltered Yuzu liquor has become over time a real bestseller. Very surprising as can be all liquors from Asahara Shuzo, it has the peculiarity to let the fresh and Clean palate, despite an amazing aromatic persistence.

Marked by the flavours of citrus fruits

にごり柚子酒 麻原酒造(埼玉県)
50cl - alc 12.5% vol.

About the brewery : Asahara Shuzo is a family brewery located in Saitama Prefecture, in the heart of the hills that precede the Chichibu Mountains, northwest of Tokyo. It was founded in 1882 by Zenjiro Asahara when he was only 29 years old and today it is Kenichi Asahara, the representative of the 5th generation, who runs the factory.  The locality of Saïtama is a relatively new terroir in sake production that does not enjoy the same reputation as some more classic regions. A recent story that prompted Asahara Shuzo to innovate a lot to attract attention. Today it offers products with a strong character, worn by two very young Toji of only thirty years. Dynamic brewers trained directly by Kenichi Asahara, a master in the art of yeast handling.

Detailed tasting notes : Yuzu is a rare and popular citrus fruit in Japan. The size of a lemon, it has an irregular surface and its zest emits a powerful fragrance. The variety used by the Asahara brewery, the 'Yuzu d'Ogose', is special. The skin of the fruit is thicker and denser than that of the yuzus of other regions, which gives it a rich and refreshing scent. Nigori Yuzushu is marked by citrus, lemon, lime, grapefruit, orange, giving in the end a beautiful acidity and an incredible liveliness.

Tasting tips : Nigori Yuzushu opens the field of an infinite number of possible agreements and cocktails with such a wide range of citrus flavours. To taste fresh, with or without ice, as an aperitif or dessert, or to propose on surprising combinations as an accompaniment for example of a fillet of white fish grilled with salt! As a cocktail, it is the perfect partner for gin or tequilla.

Asahara Shuzo (Saïtama)
I2-02 (113)

Data sheet

Product Type
Alc. 12.5% Vol.
50cl bottle
Asahara Shuzo
Pref. of Saïtama
Tasting temp.
Yuzu Reviews with
Yuzu Nigori Yuzushu 50cl Japanese Liquor Bottle

Nigori Yuzushu Reviews with
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